List of publications

Speech databases and corpora

Seifart, Paschen; Paschen, Ludger; Stave, Matthew. (Eds.) (2022). Language Documentation Reference Corpus (DoReCo) 1.2. Berlin & Lyon: Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft & laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (UMR5596, CNRS & Université Lyon 2). (
Paschen, Ludger; Delafontaine, François; Draxler, Christoph; Fuchs, Susanne; Stave, Matthew; Seifart, Frank. (2020). Building a Time-Aligned Cross-Linguistic Reference Corpus from Language Documentation Data (DoReCo). Proc. LREC 2020, Marseille, 2657-2666.
Heggarty, Paul et al. (2019). Sound Comparisons: A new online database and resource for research in phonetic diversity. Proc. ICPhS 2019, Melbourne, Australia, 280-284, see paper for full list of authors.

Prosody and intonation

Paschen, Ludger. (2023). Final lengthening across various sound classes in a language documentation corpus of Lower Sorbian. Proc. ICPhS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, 3277-3281.
Paschen, Ludger; Fuchs, Susanne; Seifart, Frank. (2022). Final Lengthening and vowel length in 25 languages. Journal of Phonetics 94, 101179.
Gjersøe, Siri; Nformi, Jude; Paschen, Ludger. (2016). The interaction of lexical tone and phrase-level intonation in Limbum. Proc. Speech Prosody VIII, Boston (MA), 109–113.
Paschen, Ludger. (2016). Boundary tones indicate turn allocation in Russian. Proc. ConSOLE 23, Paris, France, 493–508.
Paschen, Ludger. (2014). Intonation and focus marking in Ulyap Kabardian. Proc. Speech Prosody VII, Dublin, Ireland, 790–794.
Paschen, Ludger; Sappok, Christian. (2012). Drei Konzeptionen der russischen Intonation und ihre diskursorientiere Synthese. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 70, 247–293.

Segmental phonetics

Blum, Frederic; Paschen, Ludger; Forkel, Robert; Fuchs, Susanne; Seifart, Frank. (2024). Consonant lengthening marks the beginning of words across a diverse sample of languages. Nature Human Behaviour.
Paschen, Ludger. (2019). Some remarks on the four-way phonation contrast in Bzhedugh Adyghe. Proc. ICPhS 2019, Melbourne, Australia, 2075–2079.
Paschen, Ludger. (2015). An acoustic study of fricatives in Temirgoy Adyghe. Proc. ICPhS 2015, Glasgow, UK.
Paschen, Ludger. (2015). Datenbankgestützte Zugänge zum Jakan'e in der südrussischen Peripherie. Junge Slavistik im Dialog IV. Beiträge zur VII.-IX. Slavistischen Studentenkonferenz. Ed. by Anna Weigl et al. Hamburg: Dr. Kovač, 209–221.

Sociolinguistics and pragmatics

Paschen, Ludger. (2023). Filled pauses and false starts do not reliably preface longer or more complex utterances across typologically diverse languages. Proc. Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DiSS) Workshop 2023, 13-17. DOI: 10.21437/DiSS.2023-3. Corrigendum: .
Fuchs, Susanne; Paschen, Ludger. (2021). (Non)conventional aspects of language and their relation to general linguistics. Theoretical Linguistics 47(1-2): 75-84. DOI: 10.1515/tl-2021-2007.
Paschen, Ludger. (2019). On clicks in Russian everyday communication. In: Urban Voices: The Sociolinguistics, Grammar and Pragmatics of Spoken Russian. Ed. by Nadine Thielemann and Nicole Richter. Berlin: Peter Lang, 237–257. DOI: 10.3726/978-3-653-05675-4.
Guzmán Naranjo, Matı́as; Paschen, Ludger. (2016). Closing by repetition: A formal account of replicative mechanisms in closing sequences. In: Replicative Processes in Grammar. Ed. by Katja Barnickel et al. Vol. 93. Linguistische Arbeits Berichte. Universität Leipzig, 377–400.

Phonology and morphology

Paschen, Ludger. (2022). Trigger poverty and reduplicative identity in Lakota. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 40, 837-873. DOI: 10.1007/s11049-021-09525-y.
Stave, Matthew; Paschen, Ludger; Pellegrino, François; Seifart, Frank. (2021). Optimization of morpheme length: a cross-linguistic assessment of Zipf’s and Menzerath’s laws. Linguistics Vanguard 7(s3), 20190076. DOI: 10.1515/lingvan-2019-0076.
Gjersøe, Siri; Nformi, Jude; Paschen, Ludger. (2019). Hybrid falling tones in Limbum. In: E. Clem, P. Jenks & H. Sande (eds.), Theory and description in African Linguistics: Selected papers from ACAL 47. Berlin: LangSci Press, 95–118.
Paschen, Ludger. (2018). The interaction of reduplication and segmental mutation: A phonological account. PhD thesis, Leipzig University.
Paschen, Ludger; Staroverov, Peter. (2016). Floating, but ordered. An account of Sye verb root alternations. Proc. NELS 46(3), 123–132.


Stave, Matthew; Delafontaine, François; Seifart, Frank; Paschen, Ludger. (2019). A bioinformatics solution to inter-rater agreement for forced time-alignment of data from underresourced languages. Proc. Linguistique informatique, formelle et de terrain, Orléans, 8-12.
Hein, Johannes; Murphy, Andrew; Paschen, Ludger; Zaleska, Joanna. (2016). What are replicative processes?. In: Replicative Processes in Grammar. Ed. by Katja Barnickel et al. Vol. 93. Linguistische Arbeits Berichte. Universität Leipzig, v--xxvi.
Paschen, Ludger. (2014). Opacity in the lexicon: A Generative Lexicon approach to Korean VV compounds. In: Topics at InfL. Ed. by Anke Assmann et al. Vol. 92. Linguistische Arbeits Berichte. Universität Leipzig, 197–234.